Saturday, 18 September 2010

its been long:L

hey people, me and jazy have all grown up now and is doing our little things:) jasmine travels round the country doing her dancing for street factor dance studios, very proud best friend is me;) i go to plymouth high school for girls and doing gcse work 2 years early:Z not very fun i admit.. but im also doing singing and drama+dance in the festivals and practicing in dance and singing at school too:) jasmine is 13 now(three days ago) and im still 12 turning 13 in april next year;D probally wont be going on this that much since we only go on when we are bored but still:L grandad's guna be happy that i 'updated' so woo grandad!;E loving jasmine, nan, mum, grandad, disney(dog)suki and billy(cats)(L) iloveyou guys..(L)