Wednesday, 11 April 2007

first time i saw my bro sister & dad

jaz 's story


I saw my brother and sister .We played &Cleo is 2 and Kalib is about 6mounths .they dont understand yet that i am their sister because they are still quit still young.


yesterday i went with my nan to see my reel dad.It was a bit scary because i havent seen him since i was a baby.After we went to see my coz blane who i havent seen since i was ababy as well.then we went up on the hoe and had a blast.when we had tea we were taking pictures of each other and she fell in the bush.we got some clothes for easter .

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

from jaz
today me & alice went to the fair.
We went on lots of rides like the twisters & the ware house, the incredible hoke and a nover set of twisters.
from alice.
my nan took us to the fair.
i wanted to go on the trawmatower but my nan said no.
there was a ride were jaz was faling out of and i couldn't move eny part of my body.

Monday, 2 April 2007

Two of us

Jasmine and Alice together at Alice's Auntie Sylvia and Uncle George's house.

You can see the Christmas tree in the corner so you can guess when this was taken!

We have just got this photo thanks to Glynn and Graham. That is why it is nearly Easter before we put a Christmas photo on!